Originally Posted by m3Jorge
Ok so I got the kitchen to work.... Thanks to AceszHigh explination of nk.fat=os.nb
What you need is to replace the nk.fat and boot.rgu from the packaged kitchen. I actually have the kitchen.rar that works if anyone is interested. But I'm at work currently and can't upload to rapidshare....
All I did was using the comand line kitchen ran PrepIT.bat against the official ROM 2.nbh and renamed the .nb file created in the ROM folder to nk.fat. Then I placed the ROM folder created with PrepIT in place of the ROM folder in the Kinchet.rar and BINGO!!!
Unfortunately all files are too large for me to post here but i will upload to rapidshare later on tonite....
Yeah no problem. It's real simple to make a kitchen compatible with PPCKitchen (though it took me a LOT of trial and error until someone finally enlightened me to the fact that os.nb=nk.fat). Just run prepit on your donor NBH (personally I use JD's \sys and \OEM from his hybrid rom kit) to get the necessary parts and rename 2.nb to nk.fat like you said. Then make the proper .txt config files for ppckitchen...or do it the lazy way like I did and take a previously made kitchen (such as vogue 3.02 gps for ppckitchen) and just delete the old \ROM, SYS, and OEM folders from the .rar and drop in your new ones!