Originally Posted by brickcity
OK, so I really bricked my phone... It went through the washer. DAMNNNNITTTTTTT. Anyway, I did all drying techniques yadayadayada, doesn't work.
It is still under manufacturer's warranty, HOWEVER I know there is some litmus type paper in there to tell them if it got wet, voiding the warranty. Any suggestions on how I get a new phone? Anyone... Bueller...Bueller.
No, I didn't but the insurance. Yes, I am an idiot.
Please help!
PS- I am back on my Treo 650, I AM DYING OVER HERE!
Well the same thing happened to my brother's Rumor. The way he took care of it is he set it out in the sun a bunch of days until you couldn't even tell that there was water in it anymore. When he plugged it in, the phone would work but when it was unplugged, it wouldn't turn on. So he went up to the sprint store with the phone and told them that it only worked when it was plugged in, and they gave him a new phone at no charge.