Ok, so i was just wondering who ya'll thought was the most helpful person on this site.
personally i think that person would be ME
reasons why: well, im a total noob, but i love my ppc and i wanna learn as much as i can to get the most possible out of it. Therefore i ask questions, day in and day out. sometimes they r dumb noob ?'s but im sure there are other noobs out there that were too afraid to ask, or that just didnt know something could be done and now they see me asking like a noob and they go "wow, thats cool". I've decided that the combination of me asking my noob ?'s and ~mike and malatesta answerin them is probably the most helpful part of this site.
lol, sry ya'll. had to yank my own chain and throw mike a malatesta a bone for helping me out so much.