Originally Posted by racedog
Ok, this may be somewhat off topic, but then again maybe not. I ran the upgrade which ran with no problem and the Touch is now running Winmo 6.1. When I installed my Window Voice Command it installed but with an error (v1.5). Then I tried installing the 1.6 upgrade but it quit and told me that I needed to have v1.51 in order to upgrade. Well, I don't have v1.51. So how do I get Voicemail put back on the device short of paying for it again? I'm running a valid, paid for Voicemail and don't see any reason why I should have to pay for it twice.
I bought it at Handango so I went there and it shows my purchases, both the original and for the upgrade but it will only let me download the upgrade which does squat for me without version 1.51. Any ideas?
I purchased this v1.5 from Handango when I first got the Touch and kept a copy of the install in case I needed to reinstall. Well, guess what, the copy of the install will not install!! I emailed Handango that I purchased this program, which it clearly shows on their website, that I would like another download that works. They completely ignored my request.
I have purchased a lot of software from them in the past and now I am not happy!! Any suggestions appreciated.