Originally Posted by kbl
I don't recall specific instructions on the SD card method... but here it is:
- Backup your SD card if necessary, I personally format it after backing it up.
1) Using WinRAR extract the two .nbh files from official release .exe. You will have a 1.nbh and a 2.nbh.
2) Ensure your SD card is formatted fat32 (should already be) and take the 1.nbh and put it in the root directory of the SD card. Rename it to VOGUIMG.nbh. Ensure any USB cables are disconnected. Put the SD card back in your phone.
3) Put your phone into the bootloader manually (Camera+Power+poking the soft reset hole with your stylus). It will find the VOGUIMG.nbh and flash it.
Repeat those steps for the 2.nbh file.
1.nbh is the new radio. 2.nbh is essentially the new OS.
thanks for this, sorry for all the questions but im a noob to this. you say format the sd card ? can i do that from the pda or do i need speacial software? you also say to put the sd card back in the phone ? why would i need to remove it in the first place ?