Originally Posted by bogusacct
I am having the same kind of problem trying to flash the Sprint Rev.A/GPS update. (I have already successfully applied the 2.31 unlock, as far as I can tell.) I must be stupid, but I don't see how the RomUpdateUtility program is supposed to be able to communicate with the Vogue in bootloader mode when it supposedly requires ActiveSync. I've tried on different computers, and every time I run the RUU exe and go through the steps, it just resets the Vogue to the RGB screen, simultaneously disconnecting and reconnecting the USB connection; ActiveSync never works after this because WM isn't running, and the RUU never gets past 0% and ends up timing out. What did I miss?
Its a gotcha that should be mentioned in the upgrade instructions but isn't.
After you run the locker its says remove and reinsert the USB before continuing to when it loads the 2.31 unlocker. Activesync will never connect again on bootloader screen as you say. But if you contine on with RUU even though no active sync that it says you need it will still work and flashes 2.31 successfully.
Bit confused as to where your up to .. if you let the phone boot and look at boot loader screen does it say 2.31 coke?