Just bought this one not buyin new touch pro just gettin ready to cook or flash or whatever.......im in the kitchen. As far as stock.................SOL!!!!
No one will release it. been all over on phone. 4+ hours. no one has it not microsoft,UT,HTC,USCC. they are all homosexual. (politically correct) If i brick phone then tonight at work i will find it with forklift. (15000 Pounds on solid tires with load 19000 pounds) they still offer it as insurence replacement. we are screwed for stock rom. 2.17.557.0 is straight from Microsoft/HTC. Uscc and UT didnt modify at all. but no one wants to seem to release it. I am Ex computer hacker type. i really dont know a thing about cellphones or PDA's or Smartphones. But Can't be that hard. i really dont have the time though. An Associate at local Phone hack/repair store says "we will have stock uscc rom soon" Asked him if he would sell it to be. He told me to go have my way with myself. Not that i blame him. I could potentially make money and take sales from it. If i can get my hands on it i will though. not likely. I tryed guys. I realize i am new to this forum. But so far i love my phone. I'm all for it. Maybe we will come up with solution someday. If not soon i will likely swap phones anyways. Thanks for input and everything i have learned from this site guys.
Maveric.....I hope your correct. I really dont want to hook nokia back up. 6265i is a beautiful phone but with broken cable i have no screen. Slight inconvienience. not to mention 40 or 50$ deductable. I assume after forklift finds phone they wont know what firmware is on it. I guess a 50$ mistake isnt that bad.........made worse.
Again everyone........<<<THANK YOU VERY MUCH....MUCH APPRECIATED>>>
Garrette K.