Re: Screen Replacement
This is a very dificult phone to take apart. But Im going to try to break it down for you.
1. Remove the battery cover, battery, and stylus.
2. remove the 4 screws inside the battery compartment. You will need a T6 to do this. The screw on the lower left should have a white sticker covering the screw head.
3. Using something like a guitar pick, you will need to remove the back housing from the main board and key board. Slide the keypad open and starting just below the space bar wedge the pick betweine the keyboard and edge of the housing. Slide the pick in both directions around the keyboard until the back housing is loose and you can easily remove it by hand.
4. Using a small philips screw driver, remove the 4 screws on the main board that hold it to the keyboard. There are two along the very top edge of the phone and two along the bottom edge of the phone.
5. Carefuly lift and slide the mainboard to the right so you can see the ribbon cables attached to the underside of the main board on the left.
6. Slide the guitar pick betwine each of the 3 ribbon cable attachment points on the main board and turn the pick like a key to pop the cables loose from the board. The last part of this step takes a bit of force. Pull the ribbon cables away from the main board as they are attached with cloth tape.
7. Remove the tape holding the camera to the video ribbon cable.
8. Now remove the 4 silver screws you see on the back of the keyboard with a philips screwdriver. This will remove the keyboard from the front housing slide mechanizm. Remove the keyboard from the front housing.
9. remove the 4 philips screws son the top and bottom cover plates, then remove the plates with your guitar pick.
10. Remove the only silver philips screw you can see. Then using the same method we used in step one, pop the front housing from the black metal plate and slide asemblely.
11. Using your pick pop the silver ribbon cable (the one that had the silver screw in it) loose from the front navigation keys.
12. Push, the screen from the front side to pop it loose from the front housing. It is held in by cloth tape so a few peices of tape will break but that is normal.
13. Near the screen you will see a large flat ribon cable that is silver and covered with cloth tape. Remove the cloth tape to expose the screen connection.
14. You will see a small ribbon cable going into a brown and white clip attached to the big ribbon cable. Lift up on the brown end of the clip and it will release the small screen ribbon cable from the clip.
15. Installitation is the reverse of removal.
Hope this helps you replace your screen. If you have any other questions or need clarification please let me know.
Touch Pro 2 user, Stock Rom
SPC's at the click of a button, Now that's working at sprint speed.