Originally Posted by Javamahn
Most residential ISPs like cox or Qwest block ports 80 and 443 inbound so that end users cannot startup a web hosting site from their homes. Since most of information that Directpush uses is over these ports you will not have an out-of-the-box installation. For the most part however exchange is an easy install it just needs Active directory. Once you servicepack it up to 2 the Directpush is operational. You will have to customize the SSL and http ports that IIS sets for Activesync and you will need a certificate for SSL.
Just to clarfify- Qwest does NOT block these ports and has no problem whatsoever with one of their customers hosting web sites. In fact, it's quite common for Qwest customers to host their own websites.
The faster upload is a MAJOR advantage to having DSL, so Qwest would be very foolish if they took away customers ability to take advantage of the faster upload...