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Old 06-21-2008, 03:43 PM
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Re: Nuguy's Dirty WeatherPanel Fix for No2Chem's 5067

ya, i was never having a problem getting actual updates, even with any of the other versions i've tried.. i'll crack open SK Tools and poke around.. i do notice that whenever i install a 'new' version of WP, it seems to carry over my city settings from the previous try (which i uninstall of course) - but they are obviously still hanging on in the device somewhere...

so with that said, i have only un-installed and re-installed each time.. i'm not ready for a hard reset yet.. that could very well be my ticket though...

i'm going to keep your version on, and just simply remove it from my Today screen before i soft reset or shut down for the night.
i use SPB Pocket Plus, and i have Weatherpanel as one of the tabs... it's extremely simple to just 'disable' that tab.. so i'll do that before i shut down each time.. (it's actually faster that opening up today, clicking the 'items' tab, then unchecking WP)...

hey, it's a cluster, but it'll have to do me.. since i love WP so much, i'm OK with it .

thanks again for your help.. this will be the first thing i try (again), when i do my next hard reset...
Hope it also helps some other folks... anyone else, please post back results !!
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