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Old 06-21-2008, 01:17 PM
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Re: htc touch / no gps lock without cell phone service?

Originally Posted by tlcasper View Post
In post #3 you stated, "The only reason it isnt working for you is because you put the phone into airplane mode which disables ALL radios, including the GPS."
I have no problem getting lock in airplane mode.
Youre right. I have no issues either in airplane mode either. Thats why I suggested that his setup must be messed up or something, and wondered if he ran PPST.exe to provision it correctly. I wonder what rom hes using. That would help.

In the meantime I suggested just to leave the radio on (for some reason his GPS setup doesnt work with it off) because the GPS will(should) work even if he loses signal while out of the country.
If I've helped ya, please feel free to hit the button, and as always, Youre Welcome!!

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