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Old 03-03-2007, 11:36 PM
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Jeff Kirvin
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Re: Clean and simple AKU 3.5 for the Sprint Apache

Originally Posted by ScandaLex
Originally Posted by Jeff Kirvin
Originally Posted by ScandaLex
Originally Posted by Jeff Kirvin
10. SOFT reset your phone. When it boots back up, you should have a new "storage card" called "Extended_ROM2". It will be 10MB and empty.

11. Go ahead and start reinstalling all the stuff you use for your standard loadout, putting everything but device drivers, stuff that sets alarms and Today screen plugins in Extended_ROM2. You should have well over 25MB of main storage memory still free when you're done, a pretty mean feat for an Apache! Oh, and don’t restore from a full system backup as you’ll end up restoring pre-3.5 system files.
So would I be putting the cabs to the programs I use in this extended rom folder?

If so, all I was able to put in that folder were 3 items before I received the "not enough room" message. Did I do something wrong?

My extended_rom2 shows storage capacity of 9.93MB with 7.39MB in use. (this is where I placed the cabs).
Instead of putting cabs there, click on the cabs and select "Extended_ROM2" as the destination.
Thanks J.

Now on to my question- byhaving an extended rom folder, does this mean that if I have to re-flash, I'll still have these programs right here available to me; they just continue to work without me having to re-install them.

Hope I've asked that right.
The programs will still be there, but the shortcuts and registry entries won't, so you'll have to reinstall them anyway. The Ext_ROM area is just an extra 10MB of space to install programs, leaving you more space in main storage for data.
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