Originally Posted by dharvey4651
Ok well I went into a Verizon store today since I no longer work for Radioshack and it is only a matter of time until my Sprint phone gets shut off(Radioshack employee plans are great while they last...).
I compared the LCD of their Touch with mine and theirs is much much better. No contest, even the idiot salesman I talked to was in awe of the difference between the LCD of theirs vs. Sprint's.
I WILL be getting the Verizon Touch once I switch over to Verizon. Decision's been made(took only a couple of seconds ).
I was however looking around since I do not plan on keeping the white case and stumbled upon this LCD here:
HTC Touch CDMA OEM LCD screen
I was wondering if anyone had tried to change their LCD to this model here or if anyone knows whether or not this LCD would fix the "Bad Screen" issue?
This is the "bad" screen..