Reload Strategies.
After having changed my ROM yet again, I find myself giving a deep sigh as I start re-loading all my apps on my phone....
Did I load that app on my Device? Or was it on the Storage Card? Did I remember all my registry tweaks? Are my photos going to go into DCIM or My Documents/My Pictures? etc. etc. etc.
I've been trying to work out a reload strategy that will ensure I have my phone completely re-configured after a new rom or hard reset, so i'm not finding my data in the wrong place. Why isn't my email going out? How come my list of "Notes" is empty? You all know what I mean don't you?
So far, the only thing I've been able to rely on is to keep a step-by-step document detailing what apps/tweaks/settings i use, and follow through this list, step by step, like a Pilot preparing for takeoff.
I have tried just keeping all my cabs on my storage card, and loading them all one by one, but without a checklist, it's easy to miss something.
I know many of you just cook what you need into a custom rom, (maybe i need to try that sometime) But, with so many great Chefs out there, I like to eat out regularly rather than cooking up KD at home.
This thread is for the Gourmets and Gourmands who prefer to sample the Excellent Cooking of the Great Chefs of this Forum. It is not a thread for people to extoll the virtues of becoming a Great Chef, because lets face it, many of us can't even boil water.
Maybe you have a Reload Strategy that will be easy to follow, and will help like minded Tasters maintain some reload sanity. If so, how do you do your reloads?