Originally Posted by acontrasto
This is correct.
This is correct also.
This is just plain wrong.
Jethro, you have some useful information about the GPS system that is used with cell phones and some of it is correct. And I'm sure that the people who don't know anything about GPS will learn a little from you. On the other hand, you are severely misinformed about the use of data alongside the use of GPS.
You mentioned E911, so I'm assuming that you are familiar with it. In that case, let me expand on why you are wrong about the necessity of having a data plan in order to use GPS with cell phones.
1.) In order for E911 to work effectively on every sprint phone, Sprint DOES NOT require you to have a data plan. How stupid would it be to have the feature to be able to locate someone in case of an EMERGENCY but not use it just because they're not paying for a data plan.
2.) There are other services that use the A-GPS chip that also do not require data. For instance, I currently have in my possesion, a phone aith an A-GPS chip in it that has NO PLAN AT ALL. This was my previous phone and It's been sitting in my drawer for a month now. I can power on this device (with no plan mind you), go to the camera application, take a snapshot of anything I'd like. Now, if I go into the properties of this picture, I GUARANTEE you that there will be LAT/LON information associated with this picture. And that, my friend, is GPS information... accurate to within 3 to 5 meters.
Don't get me wrong, you do seem somewhat knowledgable on GPS, but let me also remind you that you have no idea about how data relates to it.
P.S. Thanks for your somewhat useful information
EDIT: One more thing, Jethro, I dare you to disconnect the service from your phone, then dial 911, hang up, and tell me what happens. The Ambulance and fire truck will be at your door shortly if you seem to be in any need of emergency assistance. Do you know how they know where you are? The location information that they have is from the A-GPS chip in your phone (if you have one). The point is that your call will connect to a tower regardless of the fact that you have disconnected your service.
I think U misread my posts. I said that data plan is need to navigate. Locking ur position does not need a data plan. That process of locking ur position is what E911 use so basically, It's free.
Again, the need of data is for navigation. A-GPS server will transmit the data to ur phone so ur phone does not need to do it and saves U battery life.
On my last post, I searched myself if the mogul and touch have stanalone and yes. it does have standalone so It does not need data transmission from A-GPS server to navigate but for the other phones, They will be required to have data plan or be charged per KB to use the GPS functions. Thanks