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Old 03-03-2007, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Pibe38
I'm kinda new at the whole SD card thing, I do know that 2GB are not really 2GB... so, I just got a 2GB Trascend card for $12, is it normal that it shows available 1.87GB? The number just seemed a little off.
It is about right. There are two things that make it looking less as the capacity indicated. One is the "accounting" standard. In computing world binary is the standard so 1 MB is really 2 ^ 20 or 1024 * 1024 = 1,048,576 bytes but manufacturers often use 1,000,000 bytes to denote 1 MB in the name of "simplicity". The OS displays the size in binary term so it will be about 5% less at the beginning.

The second impacts to the size is the formating. In WM5, mostly formatted in FAT or FAT16, which uses a small portion for the addressing table and any portion that can not be rounded up by binary addressing will be discarded as well.

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