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Old 06-19-2008, 05:16 PM
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Re: use titan radio?

Originally Posted by terrormav View Post
would their be a benefit to use the 3.35 titan radio? I'm have the 3.37.15 radio right now I'm just wondering if it is worth it any help would be great.

thank you
I used the Titan radio for about 3 months and then switched over to the 3.37.15 radio just to see if there was a difference and so far I can find none. I think that in some areas where my signal hops the Titan radio did not do this so much as the 3.37.15 but at the same time, I have noticed increased call quality with the 3.37.15. I don't know if maybe it just some kind of placebo effect and my mind is playing tricks on me(probably is...).

To sum all of that up, I have noticed no real difference that could sway me to go one way or the other. The process of switching back to the Titan radio is enough to keep me from doing it again as it takes a while and there is no real benefit. I only wrote up that tutorial so people who wanna try it can.