[quote=kaeslumz;290791]thx to pzztgotbagz..ive just posted this solution for using full evdo on a cloned mogul or touch..
usually if u clone a phone, the only internet accesible would be 1x and its pretty slow..thats because your evdo
wont authenticate...pzztgotbagz found the solution..
will need someone else to test this. This was tested using an esn from an active mogul and entering the information on a cloned touch.
1. Change ESN from mogul to touch.
2. Enter mdn and msid via ##msl#.
3. Change all information in M.IP default and M.IP customer to match Mogul.
4. Not needed
5. Open Qpst Version 2.7 build 215
6.Go to Qpst Start Clients EFS explorer Enter MSL
7.Exit efs explorer
8. now open QXDM version 3.09.19
9. Once in QXDM go to NV ITEMs then to hdr_an_auth_passwd_long ITEM 01192 located in the Data Category.
10.Write down all the hex vales skip the first start with password 0-15
11. Now go to QPST service programming
12.Click read from phone
13.Then go to M IP Profile
14.click profile 0
15.then go to AAA shared secret and enter the hex values u wrote down do not use 0x00 just 00 and so on
16.now click ok
17.then click write to phone
18.then exit
19.now go to phone and enter ##778#
20.now go to edit
21.then go to M.IP default profile
22.make sure HA shared secret says secret in lowercase( when i did step #22 my evdo didnt authenticate, i just left it blank)
23.click menu ok then reset
to test if your evdo is authenticated.. clockcycle mentioned just hitting ##33284# and selecting hdr..all the way at the bottom itll tell u if evdo is authenticated..
if it says failed..ur internet wont work...repeat the steps!
because it works for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY

Thank U
I Cloned the ESN from NOKIA,SAMSUNG,LG,.....To 6800 the phone working 100% But The EVDO Don't Work. Even You Make the User Name.ID HDR...No One can Work..Because The Sprint Sent Program Code & sent auth Code to the phone.All Model have own Program Code .SO--- When copy the ESN must to be Same Model,When actived All feature is Working...