registry differences
Ok, Ive spent the last couple of hours comparing your oem to colonels oem and comparing both to the stock reg entries. I am posting the differences that I have found between yopurs and colonels and stock. Most were the obvious windows directory changes. There was two places that seemed to have missing "\\\\" but I changed those in my copy and will reflash and test my self. I will post results later. I also noted that on your oem the media player M$VC skin doesnt get installed or it may just be in the win direct and wmp cant find it. I doubt this has anything to do with the commands not workingfor "next track" etc. but its worth a thought. Maybe someone more framiliar with dword entries can find the problem.
Changes Noted
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Au dioGateway]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\ UIPlugins\{A13C7005-B7BD-4f0f-B496-A830EAF8DB32}]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Keys\4 0C6]
"Default"="\"\\\\windows\\\\VoiceCmd.exe\" -ptt"