Originally Posted by mfpreach
Here is the deal,
When I first got the touch in Feb, I flashed the Rom to a WM6.1 release. I would experience problems like it randomly rebooting with the charger on and very poor performance. It turned out the device was DOA, i don't think it had anything to do with the flash.
I got another touch, and it was DOA also.
My question to you guys is, the Touch that I currently have is running the Bell Mobility OEM rom 1.17 , and everything is running perfectly at the moment. I Have had about 5 or 6 phone calls out of a few hundred freeze on me, but other than that no real complaints.
Is it worth flashing to 6.1 with GPS? Are the new roms and radios better than what I have right now. Do I run the Risk of having random hardware problems if I do this? I am paranoid since I believe I had a bad batch.
I know most people can't answer this question for me, and I am leaning towards, if it aint broke don't fix it. But if the new roms perform significantly better it may be worth the change.
There is a performance gain with 6.1 I think. However, ALL gps ROMS for the Vogue at this time seem to be hit and miss. I have been using the kitchen for a long time now and probably won't use anything else. The kitchen gives you complete control... As far as the radio ungrade, I believe sprint has the newest. I believe it will work with bell, but check to make sure. Also I still find the GPS still isn't perfect. It works great right after flashing but then goes down hill for me as time goes by. You need to also know that the radio upgrade is a ONE WAY trip. Once you upgrade you can't go back to a non gps radio or rom. I took the plunge a long time ago and have no regrets. Hope this helps... Good Luck..