Originally Posted by wILLk0r3 818
I want to try this but ever since the last offical ROM came out, I have been getting 8-12 sats in view and 6-10 in use depending on my location in around 5 seconds. And I dont know about HTC QuickGPS but I think it has worked for me quite well. Can someone tell me why it really doesnt work?
If by official you mean the "official" sprint 3.49 beta rom and you let customizations run then you already have this PRI update...
To answer your other question, QuickGPS came stock on the AT&T tilt and I believe another device or two and it creates a file with the current satellite locations - there has been debate over whether or not the titan will read this file and from what I understand the consensus is that no it does not. If you don't run QuickGPS I would imagine you would not see a difference as it is the 3.49 beta rom PRI update that is giving you these lock times. A few others including one of my friends have reported getting really fast lock times with the 3.35 rom already but this does not seem to include the majority of users.