Originally Posted by syanni85
yeah but alot of really cheap batteries don't have over heat or overcharge protection and can either burnout or blow if you leave them on the charger for too long... i didn't wanna take that chance so i bought a higherquality one... and honestly, i've got a feeling those cheap ones will stop holding a charge after a few months....
anyone had there's for 3-4 months yet?
The ebay-referenced battery by gullzway appears to have overcharge protection since I regularly leave the battery charging overnight without any ill effects thus far. One cannot always equate higher quality with higher price. Here is ONE person's experience with a Mugen battery:
http://www.mobilitysite.com/boards/x...n-battery.html .
Although I have only had my ebay battery for less than a month, I am very satisfied with my $16 purchase in terms of performance and build quality so far.