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Old 06-17-2008, 02:05 PM
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Re: An Easy Guide to Upgrading

Originally Posted by mpeters13 View Post
Just a warning to Verizon XV6800 users: Running the sprint radio mod affects your ability to connect to the Verizon wireless network, regardless of the cabs you run afterward. I've flashed back to the stock Verizon ROM and found that while I am able to provision fine, as well as make and receive calls, I cannot connect to the data network, even with the default settings (, vzw). Verizon support is convinced that the handset must be repaired.
Hmm, I've upgraded to the sprint radio without any problems. I'm even noticing significantly quicker EVDO response (at least compared to my 6700) and GPS works fine.

But I did my slightly differently:

unlocked and updated the boot loader
flashed the latest shipping Sprint ROM
booted sprint without customizations
*22899 which provisioned the phone, but the AKEY was messed up.
Called verizon, got the authentication straightened out.
Flashed a kitchen ROM

everything works just fine. probably wouldn't have needed to do the AKEY step if I'd reflashed into a verizon rom immediately without booting the sprint rom.
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