Originally Posted by hideffer
Actually, it also says "Compatible With
HTC: HTC Touch / Vogue / P3450 ELF / HTC 6900 / XV6900 "
The battery works perfectly with the Sprint Touch/Vogue and the extended back cover fits perfectly to the phone and the camera opening and speakerphone opening align perfectly. If I were to spend $80 on an extended battery, I would rather have 5 of these batteries and I wouldn't have to charge anything for a week, LOL.
yeah but alot of really cheap batteries don't have over heat or overcharge protection and can either burnout or blow if you leave them on the charger for too long... i didn't wanna take that chance so i bought a higherquality one... and honestly, i've got a feeling those cheap ones will stop holding a charge after a few months....
anyone had there's for 3-4 months yet?