Numerous people have e-mailed me requesting assistance updating their mobiles and knowing how difficult it can be for a first-time user to find resources and instructions, set out to write a tutorial describing the process, including links and screenshots.
The pre-release version can be viewed
I would appreciate it if others could review my work and provide suggestions and corrections. What I am looking for in particular is more details about AKU 3.0, 3.3, and 3.5 as well as factual verification. I do not want any errors in the final release.
I am searching for software that applies an opaque watermark in several locations of the screenshots. I hope to add photographs of how to reset the mobile and enter bootloader mode, as well as photographs of the mobile booting for the first time and presenting the welcome screen, quick start wizard, and the countdown before pre-installed software is configured.
When the tutorial is completed, I will post it here. Hosting it on my server until then allows me to make changes faster and more easily.
I look forward to hearing from you guys!
Dennis Bilyk