Originally Posted by jethro_static
I tether for a month and about 3gigs of data but sprint didn't charge me for it. I have no special software or registry hacks. I just check my vision plan and i see usage on my vision plan. It says the no. of KB's used then on the next line says unlimited.Is there anyone here got charged for tethering? I think that detecting that your tethering is just an urban legend. So the real slim shady, Pls. stand up and testify!
I agree. I think it's a myth. I tethered on my old 6700 on verizon about 3gb a month, never had a issue. No hacks, no deleting files.
Now I'm on SERO, so it doesn't matter, but I'm pretty sure they won't know.
Before spending money on PDAnet, I think you should use ICS from the kitchen. Not sure if OMJ's rom has it, but it's very useful.