Originally Posted by TurboFool
The tilting screen always seemed like a gimmick to me. It just adds unneeded complexity, more hinges and breakable parts, and more thickness to the device. It's just not elegant enough for the image they're going for here.
Originally Posted by avalon53
im actually glad the Moguls did not have a 'tilt' feature...It seems ridiculous to me. I agree with Turbofool...the 'tilt' feature just adds more stuff that the phone doesnt need basically...
Originally Posted by Draiko
And more stuff that could break!
I'm very surprised by some who see no "need" for tilt functionality. Tilt is needed more than ever given all the things our phones can do now including Slingbox, Vid Calls, GPS, Slideshows, Typing for Texting, Word Processing and Emails, etc. It's not only cool and sexy but very functional.
Could you imagine a laptop manufacturer offering a laptop without the "tilt" feature and instead you have to slide out the keyboard because tilting hinges are too "complex" or would be "ridiculous" for laptops?
<---sarcasm on--->
I can't tell you how much I *love* propping up my HTC on a book or something so I don't have to hold it only to have it constantly slide down or off the table. Every time that happens though I think to myself: "This is a real pain but I am sure glad there wasn't any complexity added to my portable 528MHz, WM6.1, 288RAM, 2.8" VGA, Tri-Band, 7.2Mbps, 3.2 Megapixal Flash Camera, FM Radio, MicroSDHD, TV Out, Touch Screen, GPS device.
<---sarcasm off--->
IMHO having a physical keyboard gives the distinct advantage of being able to add a tilting feature as opposed to iPhone users who always have to hold their phones to see the screen.
Don't get me wrong, I like the progress they have made with this phone but why do some feature always need to be left off? Tilting is a simple mechanical hinge. Walkman cassette tape players have had them since the 70's and I've never heard stories about them always breaking. They could even make a hinge that could slide *or* tilt depending on your preference.
I'm not trying to give you guys a hard time but I think "Tilt" should be a standard feature.