Many people have said that this registry change has helped them, but I am wondering if that is true from a more technical standpoint. The reason being on how A-GPS works and also based on the adjacent registry entries under SUPL AGPS. First off the type of GPS implemented in the Qualcomm chipset on the HTC Vogue (CDMA Touch) is called GPSone. Here is the a wiki page on it:
I am assuming the GPSmode registry entry is refering to the 4 modes listed on that page. Number 4 being "MS Assisted/Hybrid"
AGPS uses normal GPS satellites to aquire a lock, but also suplements that data with information (not going into specifics.. for more info) from "Assistance Servers". A few registry entries below the "GPSmode" one we can see that there is in fact a "ServerIP" entry with the IP address
Now I am not certain but I am pretty sure that this Assistance Server is provided by Sprint (or which ever carrier the rom originally belonged to) and that IP is not accessible to us bell mobility users. Even if it is accessible it contains information specific to cell towers on their own network... not Bells network.
In short I am not sure we can use the server and even if we can I am not sure it actually has any information we can use! This is all speculation, but it seems like a reasonable assumption. Yet clearly people are noting improvments.
So I guess if there are improvements, why.... or is this just a placebo effect?