**Sorry it wont let me post the video itself... click the links to do so...**
Mozilla Issues Concept Video for Firefox Mobile
Posted by
Zach Epstein on Jun 12, 2008 12:17 pm
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Our Favorite Software
We need it, we want it, we have to have it. Mozilla’s Head of User Experience Aza Raskin has just posted a video preview and extensive post covering the concept behind of one of Mozilla’s latest endeavors, Firefox Mobile. Let’s cut to the chase… It looks amazing so far. Firefox, the best thing to happen to the internet since Al Gore, is currently used by about 200 million people. Why? Because it simplified and improved the process that is interfacing with the web, essentially changing the way people use the internet. Those are some pretty big shoes to fill! Firefox Mobile, as outlined in the video above, doesn’t look quite as revolutionary but it does look like it will fill some holes currently found in comparable offerings such as Nokia’s S60 Browser and Apple’s mobile Safari. The GUI looks very cool, though raw, and Mozilla appears to be on the right path toward optimizing user experience and accommodating for small screen sizes. Firefox Mobile will be usable on touchscreen devices, keypad-operated devices and everything in between. Definitely hit the read link for an in-depth look into where Mozilla is at right now.