Originally Posted by blue4shizzle
face it, its not a pda... not even close, it doesnt come with apps to keep ones life organized, and im sorry but an iphone isnt really a pda (sorry to burst your bubble) i dont care what a "website" says, the iphone is a MEDIA phone, its basically an ipod that can make calls and thats really it. you cant truely use an iphone for work like you could with all the win mobile devices out. the instinct is simply another media phone, the only thing about the phone that is really appealing to a customer is the fact that its a full touch screen device similiar to the iphone, but NOT a pda. by the way, i doubt that the phone is going to be better than the iphone as well.. ive seen it in action- nothing special. if you want a category to put the phone in, id say drop it in the 'only amatures call this a pda" category lol
Mus agree, i don't view them as pda's either. but fact still remains...that's what they're classified as.
and check the list again. i don't think the 'only amatures call this a pda" category is there.
keepin it all real yo opinion really aint even mattering. peepin how u spelled amatuer wrong. u aint no geek homeboy stick to snatching purses.