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Old 06-12-2008, 01:25 AM
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Re: 2400 mAh Extended Battery- $11.99

Originally Posted by cortez View Post
like it: YES!! battery life based on my usage pattern: much better than standard battery. my daily usage pattern is 45-75 minutes of calls, 60-100 emails and respond to 30 or 40, 15-20 txt msgs, 10-15 minutes on internet. depending on coverage, i'll end the day with 20-40% of battery life remaining. since i charge daily, this is more than acceptable battery life for me. and if i'm going out for the evening, i usually switch to the smaller (fully charged) battery.
When switching to your smaller battery, are you taking both backs and if not, doesn't your smaller battery pop out?
"Blessed art thou, Griffon, whose beak hath rent no morsel of the sweet wood of this tree, for it grips the belly with a raging torment!" ~Dante