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Old 06-11-2008, 03:03 PM
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Re: How is it that the Treo 700wx is faster than basically anything else out there?

My only beef with the 700 was the tiny screen. Not many PPC apps (games especially) worked with the tiny square screen, as most assumed 320x240 minimum. Now that the new 800w will be 320x320, I think that issue will disappear for me.

Nevertheless, it may be higher resolution, I still wish the screen size would be bigger. For me, smaller is not better for a PDA, a phone maybe, but not a PDA. Add a half an inch to the height and width and correspondingly make the screen bigger, then I'd be much happier. This is what I liked about some Blackberry's. They were easier to hold and thumb-type on, AND easier to read the screen.

I still have my old 700w. I wish I had a 700wx, but upgrading was just too darned expensive for a simple RAM upgrade to the 700wx. The 800w may just be the one I finally upgrade to.
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