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Old 06-10-2008, 06:18 PM
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Re: Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?

Originally Posted by tom_m View Post
my old phone. was a samsung, fast bugger. but it was too heavy/large. and while the new iphone looks great and all - i just bought the vogue and i'm quite happy with it. i don't think i'd trade it for an iphone to be honest. the touch is so much smaller and nicer. it's by long and far the best phone i've had yet. i just want to make it as fast as possible.

i might even try to yank picsel viewer off that old samsung and see if it runs faster... that was one gripe of mine. that these phones (even though i had a "fast" one before) don't really run things that it sloppy programming? i don't know.

anyway. i cranked my glyph cache to 64kb. seems to make a difference. i have 8kb on file system and disk whatever cache that are kinda near each other.

I have about 66-67mb free of RAM with nothing open...other than background processes including opera 9 stuff, the 4mb cube, media hub, quick dial, quickgps, tmail, poutlook, quickmenu and some other things that i assume are basic/windows specific.

still curious about what i don't need to be running all the time/at startup.

couldn't find where to set opera's cache files folder... i set ie's to the storage card (by the way new egg has a deal 50 bucks for 8gb microsd). Gotta clean up stuff and move as much as i can to storage card...
isnt the i730 a nextel made by Motorola?

ahh you mean this one:

SCH-i730 :-p
Samsung Galaxy Nexus