Originally Posted by nico4k
I have to disagree...i purchased an OEM battery when this began to happen on my apache...and the result was the same...the battery drained was horrible. I could not even get more than 4 hours (on sleep mode)....if i made a call...forget it...it would die like in 30 minutes....
i whent with the 6800 and i tell, it is much much better than the apache...(with wm6.1 that is)... trust me, i love the apache...but the mogul beats it any day...
no hard feelings...
I was not saying this WAS his issue but rather something to keep in mind. Think of it like a car battery that you have enough juice to run the radio but not engage the starter motor.....
But if you had a 67 with bad battery drain and you got another OEM battery and STILL had bad battery drain then you and I both know it was never the battery but rather your phone or software on it. Ive never denied the 68 as being better in some ways but at the same time the 67 has its own advantages, like OC'ing. Honestly though, come July 11th or shortly there after, I might be switching carriers. I love my 67 also but it is getting old.