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Old 06-09-2008, 09:04 PM
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Making the Vogue as fast as possible ?? all settings?


Can we perhaps consolidate and list all speed tricks/reg settings/practices/etc. here by chance?

I will even go and help by looking up some other threads and pasting reg settings and what not, though I think that info is fine where it is....

I'm more after other things one can do to ensure the speediest (and possibly longest battery life) Vogue possible. Those are my two concerns.

I'm ok with battery life, I have all the reg settings that make use of suspend features (i think). I just want to make sure my phone is fast and stable now.

I'm using OMJ's custom Verizon rom. My phone has locked up about 3 times within a week or two. I noticed it happened once while typing...curious to know if the HTC touch keypad input method has issues...cuz that's what I was using when it locked up...typing an email/text message. Or if it's completely random.

So any great ideas would be great. I keep looking all over this forum, but info is so scattered. Wish it was all in one place, and if I ever do get all the settings I can, I will take the time to thank everyone by putting together a little guide/list.

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