Originally Posted by dharvey4651
Well I hadn't thought this would become an argument...
I still think that this has to be possible somehow. As mentioned above, when you dim the backlight the 2 LEDs in the keys stay the same brightness until you reach the minimum backlight and then they shut off so if they do not dim together than they are most likely not controlled "100%" together. That being said, should it be the case, there is most likely a driver for each set of LEDs: one driver that controls the 2 buttons and one driver that controls the LCD's Backlight that somehow work together.
If it is possible to control the LEDs up by the earpiece speaker then I'm sure there has to be a way to control the LEDs in the buttons as well...
Right, even though my post may have came out wrong, I still think they are driven indepently, regardless of how they are connected to the board.