Re: Battery Issue SOLVED!
Stock Battery, Running Holux M1000 GPS AND A bluetooth ear penis all day, PLUS constant MMS/SMS, and a few phone calls here and there.
Lasts me from 8:30am - 11pm before I get the "deedle deedle deedle" beep that my battery is low.
Of course it goes a lot faster when I'm using TOMTOM and I have it NOT shut the screen off, but the holux stays connected at all times with a GPS logging program running in the background even when it goes to "sleep"
Running 6.1 and minor additions from the kitchen, I don't add a bunch of unneeded stuff.
Just my .0199999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999 cents
edit: Extended battery will last me from about 8:30am - 1am on charge with standard usage