Originally Posted by ajones7279
Does anybody else have the answer to this? Is there another way I can get the hdr_an_auth_passwd_long from my M510 since I keep getting this error: DIAG Error Recieved: Invalid Parameter Response?
its fustrating indeed
afaik were sol, i guess the samsungs nv items are different for that for hdr_an_auth_passwd_long. its quite possible that its somewhere else in the file system or uses something else all together because its not a ppc phone and its a where kind of phone that it is. then again i wouldnt kno, because while i can follow instructions well, i dont kno the first thing about hacking the file system. i still appreciate the effort that has gone into this from all the parties involved, and hopefully a solution will come to light.
when i get some time i will try to research cloning those samsungs in general and that might shed some light on our particular case. at least you still have x1