Thread: Q and Jawbone
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Old 02-27-2007, 09:44 PM
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Q and Jawbone

I am not able to keep the Jawbone connected to the Q. I can tap the button on the Jawbone to make a voice recognition call and all will begin well with everything taking place through the Jawbone speaker. After the call is dialled the Jawbone will disconnect and the call will go to the phone speakers. I will make and take a couple of call in a row all will work correctly than on the next call the jawbone will disconnect and the call will go to the phone speakers. This never happens when I am already talking only at the beginning of the call while the Q is dialing or connecting the call. I have a coworker who has the same setup and is having the same problem. I have all ready exchanged the my first Jawbone and I am having the same problem with the second one. Any ideas what I should do
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Robert Kennedy

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