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Old 06-06-2008, 02:16 PM
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Re: XV6900 GPS Rev A upgrade help!

mwfielder - I haven't tried item 1 on your reply. And when I do so, I get no signal when setting my phone to 'Home Only'. So maybe I still do have a problem with roaming? But either way my phone/data/gps work so I'm temporarily content.

I haven't done #2 since I reflashed on the cooked rom, so I tried it. Didn't seem to do anything with respect to the first item nor the roaming thing.

I have a hard time figuring out if this stuff if rom upgrade related or if it's phone service related since I reset a bunch of things upgrading the rom. I still haven't had a chance to call Verizon... I'll do this here shortly.

Thanks for your input!