Originally Posted by tsowen
Me either but I haven't figured out how to get onto this Sprint Sero Plan like everyone talks about. Anyone with information on it I would appreciate it a lot!
Search, there are threads everywhere. Go to an official sprint store act like you are interested in an unlimited plan but need to think about it, ask for a business card. If it has a sprint email address you are golden. Google @sprint.com. I think I have some working addresses on my home computer if you still come up empty.
If you are already a Sprint customer you may have to call customer service a couple of times till you get a rep that will convert your account. You may lose your current phone number though. If you are near the end of contract some people have gotten a Sero account in addition to their soon to be expiring account. Then when their contract was up they ported the out of contract number to their sero phone and dropped their out of contract account.
PM sent to tsowen with links to some Sero threads on other sites. No need to explain anymore about Sero in this thread.