upgrading from 6700 to 6900
I am getting ready to upgrade and get rid of my 6700 and was looking at one of the 6900's. my biggest problems with the 6700 is that it is too bulky to fit in my pocket and you can't hear very well on it (I had forgotten how well I could hear on my Razr until I used it the other day) . I rarely use the keypad so that is an option I dont need anyhow. I guess what I need to know is, does this phone basically operate like the 6700 minus the keyboard? Are they quirky like my 6700 was before I flashed it to win mob 6? Is there an ear piece volume issue on these? Is there a problem with the mini usb plugs working loose like on my 6700? (Fixed 2 times, needing another)....
Just looking for advice from those that have these phones... Thanks!