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Old 06-04-2008, 11:50 PM
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Re: For those looking to skin your dialer (TDial 1.1.0, 12-09-07)

Hey Tierman... this is a great program, one problem that I am having is on the mogul. I have downloaded the Wizard Retouched dialer and have used your skin program to create my own skins. The problem is the picture when I am in the phone comes out distorted. It does not look as clean as the screen shots that are posted here. My mogul has been updated with the new roms and all, I am just trying to get the picture to look right. I have a definite 'square' where it appears that the photos are lying on top of each other. I have gone into my photo editor and have changed the jpeg pixels to the recommended sizes that i have read in your post with no luck. I have also downloaded the rescoe explorer and overwritten the files. Can you please help? otherwise this is a great program.
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