Originally Posted by Procter
To be frank, due to the limit of camera or my display, I really can't tell how bad the "bad" is nor how "good" the good is. Maybe a side by side comparison is a good idea. But except envying the lucky guy and his persistence , is there any improvement for normal user to identify good from bad?
Only way to tell would be having them physically side by side. Even though the "better" screen is visibly darker, you can only tell when you have the slightly lighter one to compare with.
Again it's REAL easy to tell you have the lesser screen, just tilt it, if it doesn't look as good as HEAD ON viewing, then you can bet it's the lesser one.
I will try to get both side by side, hard to tilt and snap the pictures with only 3 arms..
BTW the very first post has a few pictures linked with both side by side displaying the same image.