Originally Posted by cordodor
it's funny that they told you that about your refurb. I just had my 6700 replaced last week and the rep there told me, "oh yeah, refurbs are great. They go through a lot more testing than new phones, so generally we have less complaints about refurbs than we do about new phones."
perhaps everyone's experiences are different.
Well, I asked for a replacement of my original after a year & a half because I'd absolutely beaten the heck out of it.
The replacement white screened on me the day after I got it.
After a week of waiting for a 2nd replacement, I was given one that had a broken headset port.
Another wouldn't connect to the internet, the bluetooth didn't work, and it'd freeze whenever it got bored of tormenting me.
The 4th one seemed to work fine, except the directional pad was sticky. Then, it quit working all together.
This one worked fine for a while, but last week fired two batteries & wouldn't boot unless it was plugged into the wall.
Considering my personal experience & the sales guy's comments, I'd brace for impact if I were you.
Everyone else, thanks for the comments.