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Old 06-04-2008, 10:39 AM
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Re: Verizon Users who FLASH [their roms]

Okay, I visited the PPCGeeks' Kitchen, and installed No2Chem's most recent OS build, (CE OS 5.2.19213 - Build 19213.1.0.4) and now have the ROM at: 3.49.NO2.5066. The Radio is still: 3.35.04.

After installing, I removed the battery and did a hard reboot - and found many of my previous settings "kept". I AM able to access and send my email via WiFi, but any direct attempt to do so - over Verizon's lines is a No-Go...!! Ditto with any SMS text messages.

I have reflashed the ROM two more times - with the same results.

In the words of the King of Siam, "Tis a Puzzlement!"

Any suggestions?

I want to preface that I do NOT blame anyone from Verizon's Custom Support Que... it's not, after all, THEIR fault that one of their 65 million customers hacked one of their units and systematically may have either actually bricked the device or, simply over-wrote a registry entry that now blocks a desired command or action.

In all fairness, I've had to blindly trouble-shoot a WiFi connection issue on my son's college computer - 1,800 miles away - while I was commuting to work... and that was without any coffee on-board...! Trust me, when the customer/son says, "This piece of (sic) CRAP (heretofore referred to as: "It") MUST be broken... it won't connect!" - the person on the other end of the phone is now challenged to either hang up, or - take a deep breath, pop a another Tumms and Asprin combo, and - with a lilt of caring in your voice offer to help... all the while mentally musing as to what it would REALLY be like to ask with a steely resolve of Clint Eastwood, "Yeah, and what do you want ME to do about it, Punk?! Feelin' LUCKY...!??!"

Needless to say, it took a few tries before we found where the MAC address was on his unit and what access code permitted control of the router's security. I hadn't played with that info in years... gray matter excused. If the guy/gal on the other end can't actually SEE the problem, and is left to the devises and lack of communication skills of the customer ("Hey, don't you freekin' understand... it just don't work like it did before...!" I wonder why...!) - AND the call taker/technician - regardless of his/her technical prowess, or country of origin) doesn't understand what is rally happening... it doesn't surprise me that such issue occur. In all fairness, the first words out of my mouth - each time I called Verzion... informed the person-in-charge that I must have done something to my precious device whilst tweaking/hacking/modding it. If you're honest, and speak their (technical) language... regardless of the fact Verizon does not recognize any 3rd party altering of their devices and it may have violated the product's warranty... some are really willing to assist you! Bottom line, when the devices come out of the box... THAT is the way the carrier intended you to use it. I fully understand the any tweaking I do to it - is MY responsibility... despite the fact that I'd really like it to work as advertised - WITH the new teaks.

Parental/responsible rant aside... as inquired a few paragraphs above... anyone have any suggestions...?
Sandy Korda
Accountability, Incident Management & Disaster Mitigation Specialist

a division of The Image Group, Inc.

LG VX6100; HTC VX6700; HTC VX6800; and currently - a Samsung OMNIA