Originally Posted by caddieguy02
flashing is justa term used to refer to installing a new rom...if ur wanting a custom rom read this first...bout as easy as it gets http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=9927....if ur wanting to go with an official sprint rom with rev a and gps just go to the titan upgrade section her on geeks and at the top there is a sticky about it with links to download the official rom...once downloaded just plug ur phone in via activsynce and it will coach u along with the steps....if ur going custom i suggest a dcd rom or a no2chem rom...im currently running a no2chem rom on my mogul...and again do a search for either dcd or no2chem roms and u will get results for them both...any further assistance needed reply in this thread or feel free to PM me....
do what caddieguy02 just, recommended. for 2 days i ran apps, played with the stock rom. then ifinally got the courage to flash my phone, and it just made the 100x times better. they truth is, i dont know why i didnt do it before. just make sure you download all the software before you start. makes the flashing process a lil bit smoother. p.s. the radio was stuck like at 13% or something like that for a while but dont freak out, lol but thanks to pcc family i gave birth to my new baby without a problem