Originally Posted by stevedog1
All Im saying is this. Performing this upgrade has been documented over and over again, on tons of threads in the UPGRADE forum. The Stock Sprint ROM comes with a 1.xx non-gps radio, and the Sprint leaked ROM does NOT have the ability to upgrade your radio, so I'm not sure how youre radio got upgraded with it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you didn't brick your phone and that you have youre GPS working. BUT, For a NEWBIE just learning. I would recomend following the "proven" methods that are described in the STICKY's threads.
Please do not take this the wrong way, it is not and is not meant to be a flame towards you. As a matter a fact I recognize that your intentions are to help.
Sorry I don't mean to butt into your conversation here, but I wanted to let you know that the leaked Sprint Rom does indeed include an updated radio and does "upgrade" your stock Sprint Rom/radio with 3.02/3.37.15 as well as upgrade your PRL to 60612 and PRI (once you manually re-run PPST after full flash and customizations have run and rebooted).
Personally I would suggest what I suggested in my previous post to this thread; use your phone as it is and get to know it first before you do anything, and as you learn, you will have something to base the changes and differences and be able to make a more solid choice.