Originally Posted by duelingdragons
I'd like mine to go to something else, a la Messaging..
I don't understand this, which I found in the Registry Tweaks section:
These are found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Today>Keys
112 is the left "soft key"
Default = the text in the button
Open = Program it opens (if you just put a program name, like Calendar.exe it will automatically look in the Windows directory for the program)
to set the right key you will need to create the key 113 and then set its values.
here is what you want:
1 - hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\today\keys\11 2
2 - default = SMS
3 - Open = \Windows\tmail.exe -service "SMS"
#1 Open your registry with a registry editor. Navigate to the key in #1,
#2 change value to what you want on the screen,
#3 change to this and it will take you straight to your txt msg inbox.
I have mine set to #3 Open = \windows\tmail.lnk and it takes me to pocket outlook which ever I opened last. Usually my gmail account. Not many mess with 113 which is usually contacts. And here is a link to a program that will do this for ya...
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...23&postcount=8 This installs a link that will show up in: start menu -> settings -> ...I can't remember which tab...look for "soft key"...