Thread: Phone as modem
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Old 06-03-2008, 10:12 AM
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Re: Phone as modem

last I checked pda net was never free.. also.. 1.4 doesnt work on the mogul.. 1.8 will work flawlessly.. ive been using pda net since the days when I had a treo 650 and it worked great back then.. ... as for getting pda net to work.. you plug it in.. and right click on the pda net icon on your desktop.. and click on connect.. and done.. thats it.. your connected... or you can set the options to always connect when you attach your phone.. (not really recomended) there are a few enhancements that you can turn on... personally I have gotten better bandwidth.. and better stability with the 3g enhancements turned on... (any one have diferent results? )

hope that helps you out.